Isabella of France (Queen of Spain)

Portrait of Isabella Clara Eugenia

Spouse Isabella Clara Eugenia - Albrecht.

 Portrait of a Man

Portrait of the Spanish Infanta - Isabella Clara Eugenia with her dwarf

Henrietta Maria French - the youngest daughter of the French King Henry IV and Maria de 'Medici, married in 1625 for Charles I Stuart, King of England.

Portrait of Anne of Austria in mourning. 1621

Louis XIII, as a Dauphin in 10 years.

Christina Maria Bourbon is a French princess, after her marriage the Duchess of Savoy. The second daughter and the third child of King Henry IV of France and his second wife, Maria de 'Medici. 1612

Portrait of Maria Medici

Philip III - King of Spain

Gaston Jean Baptiste French, Duke of Orleans, the youngest son of King Henry IV and Maria Medici. 1611

Isabella Clara Eugenia - Spanish Infanta, ruler of the Spanish Netherlands.

Henry IV the Great is the leader of the Huguenots at the end of the Religious Wars in France, King of Navarre since 1572, King of France since 1589, the founder of the French royal dynasty of the Bourbons.

Children's portrait of the King of France Louis XIII

Maria Medici is the queen of France, the daughter of the Grand Duke Francesco I of Tuscany and Joanna of Austria. 1605 year.

Vincenzo I Gonzaga - Duke of Mantua, Duke of Monferrat since 1587. Son Guglielmo Gonzaga and Eleonora of Austria. The last great ruler of the dynasty.

Eleanor Medici is an Italian aristocrat from the Medici dynasty, in the marriage of the Duchess of Mantua and Monferrat. In 1584, Eleanor married Vincenzo I Gonzaga, who soon became ruler of Mantua and Monferrat.

A portrait of Eleanor Gonzaga, the youngest daughter of Vincenzo I Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua, and Eleonora de Medici.

Margarita Gonzaga - daughter of the Mantuan ruler Vincenzo I of the Gonzaga family, in marriage - the Duchess of Lorraine.

Portrait of Maria Medici

Guillaume du Vare, a lawyer and a writer. 1622

Portrait of Isabella Clara Eugenia 

Portrait of Maria Medici
